Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Downhill ( DH )

Bicycle Information (DH) Downhill
DH bike is designed to be able to drive quickly, safely and Yemen that are in priority in downhill mountain ATW. And he kana setabi cornering at high speeds and are always equipped with a rear suspension function is to absorb impact is often the case.
DH bike pedaling because keyamanan mengungulkan not only be used to descend the mountain and down the hill. DH bikes are also often in gunaka race, so in addition to a strong body, which becomes the dot press dala design design is HOW to be able to go fast.
For the location, users rarely menhayuh DH bike paddock bike is transported by car. Not good for use in the city or on the cross-country track. Memnag DH bike is designed to be used on track penu steep slope. Bike of this nature also weighs heavy lubayan Karana is made of a metal that is fairly thick (Heavy bike is very useful to slide following the Earth's gravity).
Other traits besides that resembles a dirt bike without the engine is at the front and rear gear number can be less. the front suspension has travle ranging 150 mm to 200 mm, its function so that the vibrations that arise can be damped well. Plumpness and rear suspension uses travle ranging from 7 to 8 inches. Biyasanya berjinis Full Suspension Bike, which keunggulanya shock absorbers on the front and rear. Trsebut two suspension damper function collisions and to better maintain control ability, strength and load bearing traksiknya. That is why. These shock absorbers travel peak at 7 inches. Which should be in inagat and do not miss out on the braking system is a matter that must be potimal. because of the risks and terrain explored, downhill bike has disc brakes.

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